Hoy vamos a hablar de la ya conocida firma de peletería y complementos de lujo Montblanc, la cual nos ofrece la posibilidad de regalar diferentes artículos de piel a nuestras parejas el próximo 14 de Febrero (Día de los enamorados o San Valentin).
Entre los productos que he seleccionado y con los cuales estoy seguro vais a sorprender encontraremos;
FUNDA PARA IPHONE (Hombre y Mujer)
Una funda excepcional para iPhone en color azul media noche o azul marino para ÉL, en cuya parte inferior resalta el logo de la firma. Esta es resistente a las manchas, al agua y las ralladuras a la que estos productos se exponen en el día a día. Compuesta en el exterior con piel de cordero español, y en el interior con acabados metálicos.
Disponible también en color rosa palo/nude para ELLA.
Un porta documentos en color negro compuesto por una combinación de canvas en 100% polipropileno resistente a la abrasión y la suciedad y piel de becerro italiano, curtida al cromo y revestida con poliuretano.
Dimensiones 41 x 32 x 8 cm.
Bolso clutch en color arena/dorado. Edición limitada a 200 unidades. Fantástico bolso de fiesta, ideal para que vuestras queridas resalten en las noches más engalanadas. Compuesta por una combinación de piel de becerro italiano, curtida al cromo, revestida con poliuretano, resistente a las manchas, el agua y las ralladuras. Fabricada en su exterior con piel de cordero español, y en el interior con acabados metálicos.
Disponible también en color azul medianoche, azul celeste y rosa palo.
Today I will talk about the well-known and luxury leather goods and accessories brand: Montblanc, which offers the possibility of giving different leather goods to our partner the following 14th February (Valentine's Day).
I have selected some products with which I'm sure you are going to surprise your partners. Some of them are:
IPHONE CASE (For him and her).
A unique case for iPhone in midnight blue or dark blue for HIM, in which stands the logo of the firm. This is resistant to stains, water and scratches to which these products are being exhibited every day. Composed abroad with Spanish sheep skin, and inside finished in metal.
Also available in nude for HER.
A unique case for iPhone in midnight blue or dark blue for HIM, in which stands the logo of the firm. This is resistant to stains, water and scratches to which these products are being exhibited every day. Composed abroad with Spanish sheep skin, and inside finished in metal.
Also available in nude for HER.
A black color document wallet composed by a 100% canvas in combination, polypropylene resistant to abrasion and dirt and Italian calf leather, chrome tanned and coated with polyurethane.
Dimensions 41 x 32 x 8 cm.
Dimensions 41 x 32 x 8 cm.
HAND BAG (Women)
Clutch bag in beige/gold. Limited edition of 200 units. Fantastic party clutch, perfect for standing out at the most important nights. Composed of a combination of Italian calf leather, chrome tanned, coated with polyurethane, resistant to stains, water and scratches. The exterior made in Spanish lamb skin, and inside with metal touchs.
Clutch bag in beige/gold. Limited edition of 200 units. Fantastic party clutch, perfect for standing out at the most important nights. Composed of a combination of Italian calf leather, chrome tanned, coated with polyurethane, resistant to stains, water and scratches. The exterior made in Spanish lamb skin, and inside with metal touchs.
Also available in midnight blue, sky blue and nude.